Zachary Kaufman, Legal academic, political scientist, and social entrepreneur

Zachary D. Kaufman

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“Inside Out: Linking Local and Global Politics of Religion”

Title: Inside Out: Linking Local and Global Politics of Religion

ConferenceInternational Studies Association: 2016 Annual Convention


  • Chair: Lars Berger
  • Discussant: Zachary D. Kaufman
  • Presenters:
    • Alireza Raisi
    • Wenhui Yang
    • Rameez Abbas
    • Galib Bashirov
    • Ali Tejpar

Date:  Saturday, March 19, 2016

Time: 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM


Pavilion 5

Hilton Atlanta

255 Courtland Street NE

Atlanta, Georgia 30303