Zachary Kaufman, Legal academic, political scientist, and social entrepreneur

Zachary D. Kaufman

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“Bystanders and Upstanders amid Sexual Crimes”

Title: TBD

Conference: International Studies Association: 2018 Annual Conference

Panel: Rwandan Genocide: Current Research


  • Chair: Stacey Mitchell (Georgia State University)
  • Discussant: Jessica Achter (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)
  • Participants:
    • Zachary D. Kaufman (Harvard University Kennedy School of Government / Stanford Law School)
    • Nicole Fox (University of New Hampshire) & Hollie Nyset Brehm
    • Stacey Mitchell (Georgia State University)
    • Arthur N. Gilbert (University of Denver) & Kristina Hook (University of Notre Dame)
    • Donald W. Beachler (Ithaca College)

Date:  Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Time: 10:30 AM – 12:15 PM

Venue: TBD