(1) Kdo osobě, která je v nebezpečí smrti nebo jeví známky vážné poruchy zdraví nebo jiného vážného onemocnění, neposkytne potřebnou pomoc, ač tak může učinit bez nebezpečí pro sebe nebo jiného, bude potrestán odnětím svobody až na dvě léta. (2) Kdo osobě, která je v nebezpečí smrti nebo jeví známky vážné poruchy zdraví nebo vážného onemocnění, neposkytne potřebnou pomoc, ač je podle povahy svého zaměstnání povinen takovou pomoc poskytnout, bude potrestán odnětím svobody až na tři léta nebo zákazem činnosti.
Section 150 Failure to Provide Assistance (1) Whoever fails to provide necessary assistance to another person in danger of death or showing signs of a serious health disorder or a serious disease, even though he//she can do so without endangering him-/herself or another person, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for up to two years. (2) Whoever fails to provide necessary assistance to another person in danger of death or showing signs of a serious health disorder or a serious disease, even though he is required to provide such assistance by the nature of his/her employment, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for up to three years or to prohibition of activity. Section 151 Failure to Provide Assistance by Drivers of Motor Vehicles, A driver of a motor vehicle who fails to provide the necessary assistance to a person who sustained an injury during a traffic accident he/she was involved in, when he/she can do so without endangering him-/herself or another person, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for up to five years or to prohibition of activity.