Zachary Kaufman, Legal academic, political scientist, and social entrepreneur

Zachary D. Kaufman

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“Rights and Liberal Legality in the Global Context”

ConferenceLaw and Society Association: 2016 Annual Meeting

Panel Title: Rights and Liberal Legality in the Global Context

Panel Description: This panel explores how new constitutional regimes in the wake of colonialism and the end of the Cold War are incorporating notions of international human rights and democratic authority. In the process, the papers also look at such questions as the relationship between liberal legal commitments and underlying issues of global economic order and justice.


  • Chair and Discussant: Zachary D. Kaufman (Harvard University)
  • Presenters:
    • Diana Kapiszewski (Georgetown University): “Constitutionalism and Adjectives: Conceptual Innovation and the Global Rule of Law”
    • Chris Kendall (University of Puget Sound): “International Human Rights Law in a Transitional Majoritarian Regime”
    • Martin Krygier (University of New South Wales): “Liberalism, Neo-liberalism, and the Rule of Law”
    • Matthew Kavanagh (University of Pennsylvania): “The Constitutional Right to Health: Post-Neoliberal Institution or False Promise? Evidence from Southern Africa”

Date:  Thursday, June 2, 2016

Time: 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM


Jackson Room

New Orleans Marriott

555 Canal Street

New Orleans, Louisiana 70130