Zachary Kaufman, Legal academic, political scientist, and social entrepreneur

Zachary D. Kaufman

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Radio Show: “Rwanda Tries to Heal and Rebuild 21 Years After the Genocide”

Radio StationKQED, the National Public Radio (NPR) station in the San Francisco Bay Area and one of the most listened-to public radio stations in the United States

Show: “Forum

Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Time: 1 PM – 2 PM (Eastern Time)

Host: Dr. Michael Krasny

Topic: “Rwanda Tries to Heal and Rebuild 21 Years After the Genocide”

Topic Website


Tune-In Directions:

  • Local: 88.5 FM
  • Internet (Live Stream): Here.
  • Audio ArchiveHere. Dr. Kaufman’s commentary is available at:
    • 19:30-23:00
    • 25:10-27:30
    • 39:30-40:15
    • 45:20-46:05